Video Chat - Private Lessons - New to Puppy-Wuppy
With the recent events unfolding, Puppy Wuppy is now offering ONLINE VIDEO CHAT CLASSES!!!! P uppy-Wuppy is still able to assist our...
Class information
For class information, please email us at info@puppy-wuppy.com Thank you, Lori Minardi Director of
Chiro Clinic for 3/22 has been cancelled
The Chiropractic clinic with Jesslyn for Saturday 3/22 has been cancelled so to maintain the social distance protocol. We will...
March 17th Class Update
This email goes out to all of those enrolled in the current semester (excluding our Saturday classes). We understand the urgency of the...
Corona Virus and our Pro-Active Stance
Corona Virus and our Pro-Active Stance at Puppy-Wuppy This Friday we will be disinfecting our mats, crates, and field equipment to ...