Quen Queen Skocicka Samota earns IPO II on October 18, 2014
Quen earned his IPO II on October 18, 2014 with scores of 94-85-94.EndFragment

Puppy-Wuppy Students do well at Weekend Shows
Sharon with Juno earned their 2nd leg of Rally Novice with a score of 94 and 2nd Place on Saturday 7/19/14. Emily with Casey earned their...

Emily with Casey Earn 1st Place at their 1st Rally Show
StartFragmentEmily with Casey took 1st place in the AKC Novice A division of Rally. This was their very first dog show and they scored a...

Quen Skocicka Samota earns his IPO I title
Quen and Lori earned their IPO 1 title under Judge Andrea Duggan April 12, 2014 with high in obedience, high in tracking, and 1st place...

Ann Stock with Winston Earn AKC Beginner Novice Obedience Title
Ann Stock with Winston, a young GSD, earned their AKC Beginner Novice Obedient Title in 3 for 3 shows scoring a 198 and First Place. A...
Agility Update with the Boys
leave this for stats Inline jetpack_facebook_likebox Jetpack Open Graph Tags StartFragmentIn December, we ran Calais and Chaos in...
Quen Earns is Rally Novice Title
Quen completed his Rally Novice Title in three for three shows, taking 1st place in all shows with scores of 99-100-100. We are super...
Chaos passes Hoopers
With alot of training, the help of Margaret Reitmeyer, and some luck, Chaos passed his first NADAC Hooper ‘s class at SCOR agility in...
Calais takes 3 agility titles
In the NADAC venue, Calais has achieved 3 agility titles in three shows. He has earned his Novice Touch and Go, Novice Tunnelers, and...
Chaos and Calais take placings in Agility again​
Chaos ran for his second time in NADAC tunnelers and took another first place. Calais took a 2nd place in tunnelers with a first place...