Update on our Working Dogs
Just an update on our working dogs. Calais, although living with my mother, is still working on his agility titles and has aquired...
Puppy-Wuppy LLC » NADAC Agility Debut with Cali
leave this for stats Inline jetpack_facebook_likebox Jetpack Open Graph Tags StartFragmentCalais made is NADAC Agility debut running a...
Puppy-Wuppy LLC » Emma earns another Agility Title – Nov. 2011
leave this for stats Inline jetpack_facebook_likebox Jetpack Open Graph Tags Dream Park, in Swedesboro NJ for the title run on Emma’s...
leave this for stats Inline jetpack_facebook_likebox Jetpack Open Graph Tags After a great Agility Weekend down at DreamPark, Maggie...
Chaos takes his second leg in a row for his CDX at Staten Island
Well, Chaos took is second leg in a row at Staten Island toward his CDX title with a score of 186. 5th place out of 30 dogs. ...
Chaos earns his first leg towards his CDX, Chaos way, at the Princeton Show.
Chaos passes his first time out towards his CDX, giving the audience a jolly, showing his agility aptitude by taking the high jump on the...
Calais Earns his CD….
Calais earns his CD with the AKC in 3 for 3 shows, following suit from his Brother, Chaos and Mom and Dad… He took his third show with a...
November 2010 – Calais earns is first leg at the JAG agility trial
Calais earns is first leg at the JAG agility trial in Novice Standard, taking 1st place, at his second agility competition.EndFragment
Rally Advanced (Monmouth DTC Freehold NJ)
Rally Advanced (Monmouth DTC Freehold NJ) Emma takes 4th place with a 98 in Advanced B. Chaos Takes 1st place with a 98 in Advanced...