999 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown NJ
Puppy-Wuppy Dog Training

Chaos Von Stickel, CD, CDX, CGC, RN, NADAC Tunnellers, BH
Chaos is the puppy from Boreas and Emma, one of our breedings. Chaos was the runt of the litter and had medical issues throughout his life. He became our special needs boy and he was the happiest dog I have ever owned.
No matter what dog sport Chaos was doing, he always had a smile on his face, never difficult dog to handle, but not the best dog in competition. LOL. He had the biggest heart and gave his full effort, but sometimes that was a little too much for the obedience or agility ring and caused us some points. Too bad they did not give points for the most dedicated dog to work, despite all the obstacles he faced in his life.
It is truly with a heavy heart I write about Chaos, whether he passed yesterday or 5 years ago...no matter...he was my special dog that comes along once in a life time. It was my job to take care of him through his illnesses and we gave him the best care, taking him around the country to the best specialists.
6/13/06 to June 2015.