999 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown NJ
Puppy-Wuppy Dog Training

Martin Mieden
Basic Obedience Trainer
Marty's journey with Puppy-Wuppy began a little over 3 years ago when he enrolled Peyton, his 4th Catahoula, into our Puppy Foundations course and he was instantly bitten by the training bug. As a child, his family always had little dogs and as a freshman in college his mom surprised him with his first dog, a German Short-haired Pointer, Beemer. It was Marty's responsibility to train the family's first big dog.
In 1996, he graduated from Monmouth University and has taught high school math and robotics for the last 28 years.
His dog Peyton quickly advanced through our various obedience classes due to Marty's dedication to her training. He spends countless hours training at home, local parks, retail stores, and his nephew's farm. Marty's training education continues via watching professional training videos from Michael Ellis, Tom Davis, Robert Cabral and many more.
Peyton competes in Agility along with her older sister Peyton's. Two years later, Dino now competes in Advanced Off Leash Obedience and Agility.
In 2024, Marty spends his spare time with Dino and Peyton in Agility but have added Fast Cat, Rally, and Dock Diving to their dogs well rounded training program.
As Marty watched his own relationship with his dogs develop, he realized that he could use his 28 years of teaching experience to help other dog owners and start the next chapter of his professional career.
Marty has started teaching our Puppy and Basic Obedience classes in January 2024 and has not looked back. Passionate about helping clients grow as handlers and watching his clients' puppies grow into great companions, is a true asset to Puppy-Wuppy and our training programs.