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999 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown NJ
Puppy-Wuppy Dog Training

Frequently Asked questions
What can I expect to get out of class?That is a question we cannot answer. We do not have a crystal ball. We provide you with the information on how to communicate with your dog properly. It is up to you to do your homework, practice, teach your dog repetition and muscle memory. It is a variable that is based on your dogs breed, your dogs age, your dogs motivation to work, and your time invested.
But my dog can’t skip a meal?Why not? Oftentimes we skip a meal and your pup is no different. It just stimulates the appetite for the next meal or reward.
What is a training Collar?Bring whatever collar your dog is used to wearing but do not come in with a harness, unless you have a puppy or a small dog. Harnesses are designed and created for teaching animals to push their chest into it and it creates pulling. It’s a misconception on the owner that it gives more just feel that way because it’s more of an object holding the dog in, instead of a collar they might slip out of. Harnesses should be used on young dogs, dogs with soft trachea or neck issues. If you are worried about your dog choking because he is pulling, our trainers and our expertise will correct this problem for you and teach your dog not to pull but to pay attention to it’s owner.
Why we don’t offer socialization classes?Your dogs are there to work and learn. They are there to bond with their owner. Their owner is there to teach engagement to their dog to want to be with you. Why would you want your dog to be happier to play with another dog than to be with you? Why would you want your dog to possibly feel pressured from another more dominant dog even if they are playing? Why would you want your dog to rather leave you to visit other people than to come to you?
Housebreaking, Do you teach that?We do not “teach” housebreaking but we will provide you with the criteria for you to train your dog in housebreaking. It is up to you to follow the dogs schedule and do the homework the instructor gives you. Many dogs can be housebroken in a week if you apply it properly. Wee Wee pads are a great babysitting tool...however, it is also a tool that makes training housebreaking very difficult. If your dog learns it’s okay to go in the house regardless of wee wee pads or not, historically they will have a harder time housebreaking.
My dog slips out of a collar?Then that tells us you did not fit the collar properly to the dog and it is too big. A properly fitted collar will not allow a dog to back out.
I want to teach come off leash?We do not entertain teaching a dog off leash without teaching other obedience commands that the dog must respect. Come command is not a priority to the dog. That is a human emotion. Every command should be important to the dog and therefore they will obey every command and not be selective.
We ask that you do not feed your dog the day of class. Why?We would like to ensure a successful hour of training in an environment full of distractions. By skipping a meal, the increase in food drive will help your dog to focus on you during class and prepare you to effectively practice as a team when you return home. Feeding a dog a reward during training is reinforcing the behavior. By repetition and the dogs hopefulness to achieve a reward, the dog will be in a high drive state to perform and complete it’s obedience commands
What do you mean by High Value Treats?If a dog works for a milk bone in your house, there are no distractions and it’s comfortable. Take the pup in a new environment with lots of distractions and they lose focus and are not interested in the milk bone, but if you offer them boiled chicken you get their attention. It’s like overtime pay. You get paid regardless but when you are working overtime, you know you are getting more and therefore have a tendency to put more of an effort into the work. Also dogs, like people, get bored eating the same thing. Lastly, you want soft, easy and fast to digest without crumbs that fall on the floor and now you are fighting your dogs attention for eating the crumbs off the floor.
My dog belongs in an advanced class?Each trainer has a different idea of what an advanced dog is, one trainer's advanced class is another trainer's intermediate class. Trust our recommendation on the class you belong in and we can always move you to a more fitting class.
Why name classes?Our classes have a general title. However, we specialize in providing individualized instruction with small classes that focus on you and your dog. We tailor the class to the first dog enrolled and then work hands on with clients to determine what classes are the best fit based on your training goals. We then provide you with our class availability.
FacilityOur facility is 6,500 square feet. At times we will split our 50x100 room into two classes with a separator. That is 50x50 area for an average class size of 4 dogs. This is to the benefit of the client to work with distractions in the room but not directly in your class. Our puppy room is designed to work with your pup n enviromental factors, such as surfaces, objects, place markers, etc. Our facility is located on the second floor. There is no handicap access. If your dog has an issue with stairs, your instructor will work with you to "TEACH " your dog how to navigate the stairs. This is part of dog training and life situations.
What class shall I enroll in?My puppy is 12 weeks and knows sit, down, stay already..He’s very smart. All Puppies are smart. All puppies want to work for the treat in your hand. However, when the pup starts to mature, you become less important, the “biscuit” becomes less important and the world is so much more fun...You start to lose your obedience and the dogs LEARNS to ignore your commands. Start right, work your foundation. Based on your dogs age, your training goal, and other information provided to us, we will make a recommendation based on your dogs class. Our classes are progressive so in order to move up in a class, you must show improvement in your class.
Can I enroll online for classes?No. We take a hands on approach to fitting you in the proper class. Our classes are small, less than 4 dogs to a class and we specifically try to match dogs breed, temperament, age, level of training, and owners goals in our classes. That is why we ask for your information first and then provide you with class availability. It is a hands on approach with semi-private training classes.
Don’t expect a well trained dog in 6 weeks.There is no quick fix in dog training It is a learning process. The clearer you are in your communication the faster the dog will learn. The more time you put in the more results you will see. It’s no different than exercise, you must put the effort in to get the results out. Additionally, you will go through plateaus, and your job is to always move forward with your dog. It doesn’t stop after 6 weeks.
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