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Sheba was adopted from the Bergen County Animal Shelter with just a week to spare. This was a collaboration effort with the evaluation being done by Melissa from Ramapo Bergen Animal Shelter. With the wonderful use of email and internet, we were able to get Sheba’s story out there and she was adopted by a loving family with prior shepherd experience. They report that she is safe and in a great home. She is an absolutely beautiful, happy, confident and highly intelligent Shepherd who likes to stay very close to us. Sheba has a fenced in back yard but doesn’t like to stay out alone. Thank you for telling us about her.

With the holiday’s approaching, we are so pleased that Sheba has been rescued and will be able to spend this time with her new family.

Sheba’s story

I have been contacted by the Bergen County Animal Shelter, as well as by a trainer/evaluator of another animal shelter in a plea to help spread the word to get this poor girl pulled and saved.

She has two weeks to live before she will be put down. She was evaluated and this is the evaluation: Sheba, Female, White German Shepherd She is highly motivated by food, and doesn’t have any jumping or mouthing issues that I saw. She takes corrections well and really responds when you ask her to focus and heel. The room we were testing in was small so I couldn’t get a real feel for ball/toy drive. But I can say that her whole attitude changed when toys were introduced. She got happier and was more than willing to chase and fetch toys and balls. Again, I can test her further outdoors if you would like me to. The other thing that was just brought to my attention is that it seems that she doesn’t like men. But I can’t get a straight story out of anyone about what exactly she does and if it is just in the cage or out. I’m going to have to try to go there when they are open and see how she acts.

She was a very sweet but scared girl who is in desperate need of a home. She does have a few issues but nothing that a calm home and experienced owner can’t work with. She was found running as a stray and I really believe that she is missing her owner terribly. She knows basic commands and walks nicely on a leash once she is out of the shelter. During her evaluation she warmed up nicely and was playing fetch with us. The only downfall is that she did guard her food bowl. She was okay, but stressed if you approached to closely. Upon pushing the issue with the rubber hand, she growled when the rubber hand was introduced to the bowl, and when it was agitated toward her she snapped at it then released. I believe this to be part food aggression, mostly brought on from the stress of the shelter environment and lack of confidence and training. Sheba shows poorly in the cage due to mostly fear and stress. She circles and barks when people come by as she is showing signs of “kennel craziness”.

Once she is out she is a favorite of the volunteers because of her sweet nature. She is comfortable around other, in enclosed room and is happy to be with people.



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