Clients excel in First Ever Dog Trial

At the Ramapo Kennel Club Dog Trail the weekend of Oct. 14-16, several clients competed in Rally for the very first time. I am so thrilled to say that all Puppy-Wuppy Clients passed their first trial, with many of them taking Ribbons.
Emily with Casey – High Combined Rally Advanced/Excellent 99 and 97 scores.
Okan and Bash – Handled by is wonderful wife 2nd place Rally Novice A
Michelle and Exie – Awesome showing for her first time and in B class !
Rich and Bella – Worked through heavy distractions with very respectable score and 3rd Place
Joanna with Stryker 97 First Place Rally Novice A
Nancy with Bailey – 97 2nd Place Rally Novice A
I showed Spirit for her First “Obedience” show and took an 86 and 92 score.