April News and Announcements
What We’re Up To As we wrap up this semester up with Intro to Agility Workshops and Canine Good Citizen testing we move into our MAY Semester : For the Month of MAY: We are starting our classes for the next semester as follows: Saturday's with Lori starting 5/7 Saturday's with Pam starting 5/7 Saturday's with Sue starting 4/30 Sundays with Cat Starting 5/8 Weeknight classes starting 5/2. If you are not already registered, please do so as we are half filled for this semester. Play Stay and Train This program has flew off the ground with our head Trainer, Kaitlyn. We are excited to offer Wednesday and Thursday Play Stay and Train on a monthly basis. It builds confidence in pets to be away from home, to crate in new crates, to work in a enviroment without their owner, to learn new skills during the day, to play and engage in games that stimulate the mind. Awards and Recognition At Puppy-Wuppy, we are proud of our students time invested in training their dogs beyond the simple basics. They are dedicated to their training schedule, they have great attendance, they show continued improvement, and they involve their pets in their activities outside of the house or their comfort zone. We appreciate these students and have decided to implement an Awards and Recognition Program . For clients who have an enthusiasm to train their dog. Clients that are willing to step out of their comfort zone and work on difficult problem solving exercises, diligently work on homework assignments, overcome reactivity issues, teaching advanced obedience exercises, or at therapy type work with their dog, working off leash, preparing for competition. We acknowledge and support clients that follow through on their homework assignments and show great improvement with their dogs. Students will be features on our facebook page with a write up on their accomplishments and their dog's success. Award: Puppy-Wuppy Tote Bag to carry all your dogs training gear All awards are subject to approval from the Trainer Multi Semester Discount Each semester, around the third week, we provide our currently enrolled students the opportunity to reregister or move to another class and have first priority on registration. To expand on this benefit, we are offering a multi semester discount. If a client chooses to reenroll in the next two semesters, we will offer and provide a 20% discount off the second semester. This could range in a $42-50 discount. Both semesters must be paid in full at time of booking for the discount to be applied. Both semesters must be taken concurrently. Summer Make Ups Hopefully, with Covid behind us, we do expect many of our clients will be taking summer vacations this year. We would hate for you to miss out of 6 weeks (classes) of training for missing 1 week/class. If that was the case you would not resume classes for another 6-9 weeks. So in light of this as a benefit to our students, this summer we will be offering 1 make up classes during each semester. The class date will be posted when the schedule comes out so people can plan accordingly. The one class will consist of a puppy/basic class and the second class will be an intermediate/advanced class. These will be the only make-up classes offered as a benefit to our clients. This will kick off with our June Semester. Price Adjustment Unfortunately, price adjustments have been hitting all of us. We are no different in our rent, utilities, and supplies we provide. Over the past 20 years we have been training dogs professionally, we had one price increase for our grandfathered students and have not had a price increase in our general classes for 3 years. With changing times, we must keep up with the industry and make the following adjustments: Effective June Semester 2022. For all of our grandfathered students, your price increase will go from your grandfathered amount to $210.(the current price). For all our current students paying $210, your price increase will go to $240 (that averages $40 a class rather than the $35…which is still less than a tank of gas). While we are excited about these changes, we are mostly excited about working with you and your dogs to have a better relationship with your canine, have better control in public, have better scores in competition, and have a well behaved pet that you love.