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E Collar - Trick Class - Engagement Classes

E Collar,

Trick &



March Semester coming soon.


These are new / alternative classes/workshops


Friday 3/7 - Workshop

E Collar Hands On Workshop with your dog

7pm - 9??


Currently using an e collar? Have Questions? Would like to learn more benefits of its use? Would like assistance with a trainer for better E collar communication with your dog?. Just looking for refresher training? We find most people are afraid to use the collar, use it for the wrong reasons, or do not use it to it's full potential. Work with a trainer to become more comfortable with this asset of a training tool for some dogs.


Saturday 3/22 - 1pm-3pm

Engagement Training and Games with your Dog


This course sold out last time we had it. Learn fun games to interact with your dog to have better engagement, relationship, attention, work ethic. Does your dog work for food or toys? Use that to your advantage. Learn the difference from baiting and marking a behavior. Have fun with attention games.


Friday 3/28 E Collar - Seminar & Demo (NO Dogs)



This is an informative 2 hour lecture with demonstration on types of e collars, proper fittting, misuse verses correct use, conditioning, applications, and using the E collar in both positive an negative ways just like a training collar. 2nd family member $20



Intro to Rally GROUP CLASS

Starting Monday 3/17 at 7pm

6 weeks / 1 hr week / $260

learn the ins and outs of Rally signs, how to navigate a rally course. How to use your obedience skills in a team effort with your dog. Understand the rally principals of teamwork. AKC Rally style signs will be used. Basic obedience, foundation heel, sits and downs are required in this class.


Trick Dog GROUP Class

Starting Wednesday 3/26 at 7pm

6 weeks / 1 hr week / $260

Want to learn some fun winter tricks with your dog. Keep them mentally challenged during the colder months, teach new behaviors, have fun interacting with your dog in such things as skateboard, bang bang, open a door, push a cart, back up, leg weaves and more


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