March 17th Class Update
This email goes out to all of those enrolled in the current semester (excluding our Saturday classes).
We understand the urgency of the Virus situation and we are taking every precaution to keep the training facility disinfected by continuing wiping down common areas, mopping/vacuuming the floor and Lysol all equipment
In addition, since we already keep "social distancing" between dogs, by keeping 6 foot of leash, i.e. two dogs 12 foot leash, we ask that you continue to maintain that protocol.
As all of you know, our classes are kept small for optimal learning...That has always been our priority. Therefore, we will not be having classes as other do with 10 or more people. Most of our classes have 2-3 dogs to a class with two classes running , i.e. 6-7 people in one room.
Additionally, we will try to move classes outdoors when weather permits.
WE are going to try and keep our classes open as we feel it is an excellent outlet for your dogs while keeping humans safe. With the pandemic escalating there will be few places to go as individuals, let alone with our dogs.
Of course, we will abide by the local laws instituted and if "all businesses" are to shut down, we of course will do the same. With that being said, if we believe any of our clients might be in jeopardy we will shut down.
We do ask that if you are ill, have been in possible contact with someone, or are concerned about going out, you take your precauiousions and make your own decision. If you could text or email us if you are not attending class, that would be helpful to our instructors.
We hope to finish out this semester and although the next semester has been set and scheduled with most of our clients reenrolling at this time, we will have to make decisions on a daily or weekly basis.
we will keep updates under our Blog on our website if you would like to check back there or join our facebook page for update
Lori Minardi
Director of Training