Super Performances at the Ramapo Dog Show Cluster
Successfull Weekend all around....
Renee and Walter with Mack running is first Fast Cat
Sloan with Clive running their first Fast Cat
Claire with Shotzie running their first Fast Cat and CAT
Egor running 30 mph at Fast Cat. One of the fastest dogs of the day
Nico starting to increase his time on Fast Cat
Bob with Billy earning a 97 and 93 in Rally Novice with placements
Breina and Zorro for their 99 in Rally Novice
Amanda and Gunther for earning 96 and 3rd place at their first Dog Competition
Cat with Moose earning at 96 and 2nd place at their first Dog Competition
Karen and Ari (Quen/Bella Pup) earning a 99 in Rally Novice and a 198 1st place, high placing for Beginner Novice.