Upcoming Events August and Sept. 2024
Some Dates to remember:
Sunday - August 4th - Prepping for the Canine Good Citizen testing
To register: your name, dogs name, breed, age, and contact email.
Send to Info@puppy-wuppy.com
We will be testing in September for AKC Canine Good Citizen. This workshop will help you practice and prepare for testing for success. We will run a practice test, offer training suggestions and help with problem solving. Suggestions will be made on how to improve your testing for passing. This is a great workshop to introduce you and prepare you or AKC's title Canine Good Citizen
This will run 90 minutes with questions and answers.
Class fee is $45
Friday August 16th - Prepping for the Therapy Testing for your Canine
90 minutes
To register: your name, dogs name, breed, age, and contact email.
Sent to info@puppy-wuppy.com
We will be reviewing your skills needed to test for the therapy dogs programs, focusing on Bright and Beautiful as the foundation. We will assist with introducing medical equipment, strange people, food refusal, neutrality with dogs, and other skills necessary. Therapy dogs are an asset to the community, providing emotional support to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, veteran homes, mental health assistance and many more. Not all dogs are tasked to be therapy dogs and we can assist you with that explanation and qualifications needed.
Friday September 13th Intro to Agility 7-9pm
2 hours
To register: your name, dogs name, breed, age, and contact email
Send to Info@puppy-wupy.com
Pre Requesite for this workshop: Dog should be comfortable crating for short periods of time.
This is a very popular workshop that fills fast. It it an introduction and explanation of agility skills for pet training and competition. Introduction to contact equipment, understanding the control needed in agility, learning how to teach your dog to work off of commands and body language for direction, and build confidence. Most importantly, it gives you an opportunity to experience agility without committing to a long term semester.
Saturday September 14th - Testing for Canine Good Citizen
$30 Class testing fee
1 hour
To register: Your name, Dogs Name, Dogs Age, Dogs Breed, and contact email
Here we will provide a short warm up, review the rules for testing for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test and supply you with the paperwork needed to submit this test to the AKC for application to your dogs title. Testing will be performed in a group environment with emphasis on achieving success. We do sugggest you take our Prepping for the AKC Canine Good Citizen workshop offered on Sunday August 4th.