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Watch for new changes in our Class Schedule January 2024

Sneak Peak:

Here's a Sneak Peak at some upcoming classes we will be offering at Puppy-Wuppy for 2024 January Semester

Trick Dog Class - This will be all levels of trick. At the end of the 6 week semester, i will test you with AKC for Trick Title depending on your level.

most likely Monday night

Games Class - Each week handler and dog will compete in obedience games against other classmates for a prize at the end of the class. Things will include such as fastest recall, quickest down, bobbing for hot dogs, musical sits to name a few. Most likely class will be Tuesday evening

Intro to AKC Fetch - AKC has a new title "fetch' i which it involves directed retrieves. We will introduce this new event in an intro to fetch class, however the dog must have a pre requisite of "fetch" or hold as this class does not teach the hold but the retrieve part.

Intro to Agility will continue to be offered as well as Rally, and all the obedience level classes.

Happy Training.



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