What have we been up to???
Our focus at Puppy-Wuppy is our clients and their successes, whether that be in small steps for behavior modification, better engagement and relationship, or competition training.
While we value our clients accomplishments and post them often to our social media, behind the scenes we try to get things done with our own dogs, which we do not like to advertise, but rather, inform our students of our abilities as your trainer.
Recently over the past two months or so we are thankful to the following successes:
Evil Qualifying for 2024 Regionals Dock Diving
Axel Qualifying for 2024 Regionals Dock Diving
Nico Qualifying for 2024 Regionals Dock Diving
Egor Qualifying fro 2024 Regionals Dock Diving
Evil earning her Dock Excellent Senior Title
Egor earning his Dock Excellent Senior Title 5
Nico earning his Dock Advanced Senior Title
Evil achieving her Rally Novice and most recently Rally Intermediate Obedience Titles.
Egor achieving his Rally Advanced and Excellent obedience titles
Blitz achieving his Rally Novice Obedience Title
Nico achieving his Rally Excellent Obedience Title and two legs toward Graduate Novice Obedience
Nico achieving his Barn Hunt Novice Title
Nico achieving his Barn Hunt Open Title
We appreciate the support from all of our clients and best wishes, but most importantly, we stand behind what we train, we ask our clients to bring their best foot forward with their dogs in their training.
Training is not about the Ribbons, or the Titles after your dogs name...but it's about the relationship, the experiences you have with them, the ups and downs, the trials and failures and the bond that will stay with you forever.